The Lead Pastor Search Committee met on May 1st at AVERA on Louise.
Opening Devotions and Prayer led by Amber VanderWal “God’s Greatest Pre-Moves” (Rev 3:27) from Chase the Lion devotional.
Reminder to pray for the future pastor and his family.
Opening Discussion
Brad expressed thanks to committee members
Brad emphasized the importance of confidentiality – continues to be important with applications submitted
Minutes from last meeting were approved
Pastor Van shared his experience at the CRC Transitional Pastoral meetings he attended in Grand Rapids, which included a better understanding that our search process/experience/challenges are not unusual in the denomination due to a variety of factors.
Brad reported that no congregational questions have been submitted through the website.
Search committee continues to follow and review CRCNA document “More Than a Search Committee”
Phase I – Preparation – complete
Phase II – Reflection – complete
Phase III – Nomination – remains in process
Additional names have been submitted for review from CRCNA profiles
Committee briefly discussed updates on potential candidates
Phase IV – Evaluation – now entering this phase, website and “button” will be updated with progression to “First Round of Interviews”
Extensive discussion regarding first-round interview questions. Tentative interview format/questions were finalized.
Committee will meet in a conference room at Avera on Louise for all interviews
Discussed that if a question from the candidate requires a more in-depth answer, we will get back to the candidate with more information.
We will allow approximately 60 – 75 minutes for each interview with time for the committee to have discussion afterward.
Brad will send a post-interview email to candidates after the first round of interviews and provide an update on next steps.
General progression will be: First-Round interview, Second-Round interview (possibly with Ad Board as well), and likely Third-Round interview (in person, with Council as well, meet staff). Eventual nominee will lead a service and attend/participate in various meetings/events.
Advanced planning and logistics will be important. Process may be modified depending on travel distances for candidates.
Next Steps/Action Items
Continue to watch/listen to services and sermons from applicants’ home churches.
Next Meetings are set as follows:
Monday, May 8; 6:00pm
Wednesday, May 10; 6:00pm
Monday, May 15; 6:00pm
Wednesday, May 17; 6:00pm (possible)
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Brad VanKalsbeek
Chair – Lead Pastor Search Committee
(605) 359-5588 /