The Lead Pastor Search Committee met on March 28th.
Opening Devotions and Prayer led by Caleb Veldhouse “Weary from Waiting – Acts 1:4”
Opening Discussion
- Brad expressed thanks to committee members
- Brad emphasized the importance of confidentiality
- Minutes from the last meeting were approved
Search committee continues to follow and review CRCNA document “More Than a Search Committee”
Phase I – Preparation – complete
Phase II – Reflection – complete
- Council has decided not to proceed with formal congregational listening sessions
- Committee will add a “Congregational Communication” button on the Pastoral Search webpage. Hard copies will be made available (near member mailboxes)
Phase III – Nomination– in process
- Lead Pastor ad will be posted with Westminster Seminary very soon, delayed due to tech issues at the seminary
- Brad has had multiple productive and warm conversations with submitted candidates
- Committee continues to encourage members to make nominations for this important position in the life of 1st CRC
- Some emails from have been going to nominated candidate’s spam folder. Brad will also send initial contact emails from his personal account if there is no reply in 1-2 days.
- Significant amount of time was spent by the Committee reviewing list of all names, the status of each, and our next steps moving forward.
- Committee continued the discussion from the last meeting on characteristics we desire in this next pastor, reminding each other this Lead Pastor is a calling, this ‘move’ involves more than just the Pastor (wife and family) and is in God’s timing, not ours.
- Continued discussion on interview questions
- Questions are categorized in four areas:
- Back-story/faith journey
- Leadership/work/personality style
- Theology/sermons
- Other (controversial issues, Christian education, self-care, etc.)
- Questions are categorized in four areas:
- Discussed actual process for Search Committee voting/recommending of a candidate to Council
- Centennial Committee – Brad will reach out to this committee to encourage having this valuable and most interesting information posted to the Church’s main webpage. Committee feels this information will be interesting and extremely educational to a Lead Pastor candidate.
Next Steps/Action Items
- Continue to review “Pastoral Duties” handout, discuss further at next meeting
- Continue to review CRCNA site and explore word-of-mouth for additional candidates
- Brad, along with Paul Mobley (and others?) will test Zoom capabilities at church office
- Create “Congregation Considerations” link/button on Lead Pastor webpage
- Church Newsletter – ask for ongoing prayers and continued nominations, inform regarding “Congregational Considerations” link/forms
Next Meetings are set as follows:
- Tuesday, April 18th, 5:30 – 7:00 pm
- Monday, May 1st, 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Brad VanKalsbeek
Chair – Lead Pastor Search Committee
(605) 359-5588 /