The Lead Pastor Search Committee met on January 17, 2023.
Mike Davelaar provided opening devotions and prayer –“There’s No Such Thing as a Perfect Decision.”
The following items were reviewed/discussed:
- Brad expressed thanks to the committee members for all their hard work!
- Search Committee minutes have been shared by way of the congregational newsletter.
- The committee has received many positive comments from the congregation that meeting minutes are being shared/published.
- Search Committee minutes have been shared by way of the congregational newsletter.
- Justin Snyder provided an update from the Council/Ad Board
- Lead Pastor Job description has been finalized and provided to Search Committee
- The Core Values Statement is on the agenda for the Ad Board meeting on 1/18/2023
Search committee continues to follow and review CRCNA document “More Than a Search Committee”
Phase I – Preparation –complete
Phase II – Reflection –in process
- Pastor Van provided update on potential Sunday ‘listening’ sessions
- Council and Ad Board to finalize plans
- Sessions are designed to provide opportunities for the congregation to be involved in the search process by sharing, etc.
Phase III – Nomination –in process
- Brad provided an overview of the First CRC website template for the Lead Pastor position
- Highlighted the following tabs/buttons: Welcome Letter, Job Description, Application, Church Profile, Life in Sioux Falls, Church Life, and ror the Congregation (timeline, minutes, nomination form, etc.)
- Reviewed the Timeline for the Committee for the next 30 days
- Committee previewed the agenda for the February 2023 meeting
- Reviewed specific tasks to be addressed in preparation for our February meeting
- Discussed application process
- Interview questions (pre-interview, initial, and follow-up)
Meeting concluded with the committee re-affirming the importance of confidentiality.
Next meeting is set for Thursday, February 16, 2023, 5:30-7:00 pm, with Josh Soodsma responsible for devotions/opening prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Brad VanKalsbeek
Chair – Lead Pastor Search Committee
(605) 359-5588 / Boji4us@sio.midco.net