The Lead Pastor Search Committee met on March 18th, 2023.
Opening Devotions and Prayer led by Lisa VandeKamp “How to keep Christ at the center of the pastoral search process.” Reminder to pray for the future pastor and his family.
Opening Discussion
Brad expressed thanks to committee members
Brad emphasized the importance of confidentiality
Minutes from the last meeting were approved
Search committee continues to follow and review CRCNA document “More Than a Search Committee”
Phase I – Preparation – complete
Phase II – Reflection – complete
Phase III – Nomination – in process
- Westminster Seminary ad has been posted
- Brad continues to have further conversations with submitted candidates
Significant amount of time was spent by the Committee reviewing list of all names, status (Applicant/Nominations/Nominations no longer viable) of each and our next steps moving forward.
Reviewed Applicants
Reviewed Nominations
Reviewed Nominations that are no longer viable
Discussed interview format at length
Justin offered conference room/equipment, likely at Avera on Louise (69th and Louise)
Justin will coordinate a trial using MS Teams or WebEx
Lisa offered Eide Bailly as a back-up location
Next committee meeting will be at this location (Avera)
Plan two interviews (max) in an evening, this will allow time for candidate questions and for Committee to debrief/discuss
General progression will be Round One interview, Round Two interview, recommend to Ad/Board Council – next steps yet-to-be-determined
Discussed church staff members’ perspective on search process
Briefly discussed Centennial Committee update
committee encourages having this valuable and most interesting information posted to the Church’s main webpage. Committee feels this information will be interesting and extremely educational to a Lead Pastor candidate.
At next meeting – finalize interview questions, and practice with interview technology
Next Steps/Action Items
Committee to continue reviewing CRCNA Search Committee Profile site and explore word-of-mouth for additional candidates
Justin arrange/test Avera meeting room
Committee members are to watch services and/or listen to sermons of applicants prior to our May 1st meeting
Review/fine-tune interview questions
Amber to add tabs for Agendas and Minutes to Google Doc (and possible tab for Interview Questions?)
Brad will reach out to applicants regarding possible interviews set for early May
Next Meetings are set as follows:
Monday, May 1st, 5:30-7pm, (Avera on Louise)
Opening devotions – Amber Vanderwal
Monday, May 8; 6:00pm
Wednesday, May 10; 6:00pm
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Brad VanKalsbeek
Chair – Lead Pastor Search Committee
(605) 359-5588 /