Lead Pastor Job Description
The Lead Pastor serves, under the authority of the Full Council as applied through the Administrative Board, to fulfill the goal of developing, nurturing and maintaining a ministry structure and environment which implements the identity (Who We Are) and purpose (How We Express Ourselves) of First Christian Reformed Church to clearly proclaim and joyfully practice a dynamic and growing vision of life with Jesus Christ.
I. Responsibility
A: Ministry Responsibility
- Shall serve as an excellent preacher and teacher, clearly and consistently applying God’s Word of Truth to the current life and ministry of First Church so that her faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ will be joyfully strengthened and faithfully exercised.
- Preach at least 75% of regularly scheduled worship services and preach at most of the specially scheduled worship services (Prayer Day, Ascension Day, Good Friday, Easter, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and any other special service which may be scheduled).
- Shall develop, maintain, and promote the vision of First Christian Reformed Church as follows:
- Regularly review the vision within the parameters of a Biblical and confessional reformed worldview, constantly testing and (re)shaping it according to the Truth of God’s Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit as time and circumstance require
- Communicate the vision, mission, core values and strategies to and for the congregation.
- Accept responsibility for the overall care, direction, and functions of First Christian Reformed Church.
- Partner with the Council in casting the vision and drafting a long-term plan in response to leading of the Lord
- Develop, Implement, and maintain worship which honors both the provisions of First Christian Reformed Church’s confessional identity, and the call to continually reform worship through understanding and incorporating new avenues granted by the Holy Spirit to encourage people to grow in grace.
- Provide the following pastoral and discipleship services:
- Support the Director of Pastoral Care in maintaining pastoral care to the congregation (hospital visitation, crisis care, etc.) making referral to licensed Christian therapists when appropriate.
- Serve as the officiant of wedding ceremonies and funeral services as requested.
- Teach as time allows, but not to the exclusion of his primary calling (preaching and leadership).
- Serve as First’s primary representative to Classis Iakota, the CRCNA, and other Christian organizations, serving as the public face and voice of the Church.
B: Administrative Responsibility
- Support the Church Administrator
- With providing oversight of the paid professional staff.
- Ensure that all ministry in consistent with First Christian Reformed Church’s vision and goals.
- Shall make appropriate recommendations regarding ongoing staff development, expansion or restructuring as time and ministry circumstances require in coordination with the Administrator.
- Supervise the content of all formal publications of the Church.
- Shall assist the President of the Administrative Board and the Shepherding Elders as follows:
- Shall coordinate, with Presidents of both Ad Board and Shepherding Elders, regularly scheduled meetings or special meetings as time and circumstances require and shall assume primary responsibility for the regular training of the Shepherding Elders and Ministering Deacons.
- Shall ensure, as per the provisions of the Church’s Articles of Incorporation, that the spirit of the Church Order of the Christian Reformed Church in North America is honored in all aspects of First CRC’s life and ministry.
- Shall be responsible for the implementation and execution of all Council (Full and Administrative) decisions and policies
- Shall provide oversight on all sub-committees, ensuring that First Christian Reformed Church’s policies are honored, its legal interests protected, and its vision maintained.
- Shall accept other duties as mutually agreed upon by the Administrative Board, or as time and ministry need may require.
II. Accountability
In addition to the provisions of the adopted Personnel Policies and Procedures
- Is accountable in the performance of duty to the Full Council through the Administrative Board. Regarding doctrine and life will be directly accountable to the Shepherding Elders.
- Will submit to an annual review of work by the Administrative Board to ensure that the ministry goals and vision of the First Christian Reformed Church are being recognized and achieved.
- Will be devoted to the ministry vision of the First Christian Reformed Church and participate in the mutual encouragement of the staff members in the gospel ministry of Jesus Christ.
- Will exercise the confidentiality and respect of persons conducive to a wholesome ministry atmosphere.
- Will discharge duties as a servant of Jesus Christ for the glory of His name and will model the values of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in all words and actions.
III. Qualifications
- The candidate shall exhibit a life, both publicly and privately, of genuine faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, evidence a deep sense of call to ministry, demonstrate a teachable spirit, and live a life of holy, Christlike obedience consistent with First Christian Reformed Church’s Biblical and confessional standards of faith.
- The candidate must possess the ability to articulate a Reformed worldview and be committed to the life and ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.
- The candidate must possess at least a Master of Divinity degree, or its equivalent, from an accredited educational institution. It is recommended and encouraged, but not required, that the candidate be working toward or have already earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from an accredited education institution.
- The candidate must possess a demonstrated ability to both build relationships through sharing and teaching the good news of Jesus Christ and to effectively counsel people into joyful, Christian living.
- The candidate must be willing to engage in ongoing professional development both to sustain personal qualifications and to ensure ministry development.