The Lead Pastor Search Committee met on March 14th.
Opening Devotions and Prayer led by Pam Koelewyn “The Process – Romans 8:28”
Opening Discussion
Brad expressed thanks to committee members
Brad emphasized the importance of confidentiality
Minutes from last meeting were approved
Pastor Van provided an updated on the Abide project as something to be aware of that we may be hearing more about within the CRC.
Search committee continues to follow and review CRCNA document “More Than a Search Committee”
Phase I – Preparation – complete
Phase II – Reflection – in process, nearing completion
Phase III – Nomination – in process
Committee reviewed the various locations our opening is posted – such as with CRC, RCA, Calvin Seminary, Western Seminary, etc.
Brad will also post our ad with Westminster Seminary (CA)
The Banner will run our posting in the April publication
Reviewed letters that were created to send to potential candidate(s)
Much time was spent reviewing list of applicants and nominations received to date.
After an application is received, an email is sent to let the applicant know it has been received and will be reviewed.
Discussed the best way to reach out to candidates after they are nominated
Email, phone, or both and frequency
Nominees will not be contacted unless the nomination form has been completed (there may be exceptions to this rule).
Discussed next steps for each of the candidates
Van reviewed ‘Pastoral Duties’ information
The team performed an exercise on their interpretation of the top pastoral duties needed by our Lead Pastor
Definitions of Preacher, Minister, and Pastor
What Makes a Good Sermon?
Content, delivery, and response all play an important part
Next Steps/Action Items
Decision to meet every two weeks going forward.
Brad continues to monitor for new applications/nominations several times per day
team will continue to review google shared document prior to next meeting.
Next Meetings are set as follows:
Tuesday, March 28th, 5:30 – 7:00pm
Caleb responsible for devotions
Tuesday, April 18th, 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Lisa responsible for devotions
Monday, May 1st, 5:30 – 7:00
Amber responsible for devotions
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Brad VanKalsbeek
Chair – Lead Pastor Search Committee
(605) 359-5588 /