First Christian Reformed Church

2901 E 26th Street, 

Sioux Falls, SD 57103


Potential Lead Pastor Canditates: Click here to see the full church profile and narrative.

Setting-Sioux Falls

Location: Suburban

Function: College/University, Agricultural, Recreational

Growth: Growing

Population: 208,884


Seeking: Male Pastor

Other Staff Positions: Administrator, Director of Pastoral Care, Director of Worship, Director of Children’s Ministry, Director of Hospitality, Director of Youth Ministry, Day Custodian, Evening Custodian

General Position Description

The Lead Pastor serves, under the authority of the Full Council as applied through the Administrative Board, to fulfill the goal of developing, nurturing and maintaining a ministry structure adn environment which implements the identity (Who We Are) and purpose (How We Express Ourselves) of First Christian Reformed Church to clearly proclaim and joyfully practice a dynamic and growing vision of life with Jesus Christ.

Pastor Additional Information-1600x479

Church Demographics

Average Sunday Attendance: 575

Active Professing Members: 735

Additional Baptized Members: 397


Last Four Persons In This Position

Previous Pastors 1600x479


Worship Services: 8:30 & 10:30 A.M.

Worship Style: Traditional (8:30)

Traditional Blended: 10:30

Member Involvement
Worship Services

Discipleship Practices

Children are God’s gift to us. Our covenant responsibility is to pass God’s story down to our children, telling them over and over about His mighty acts and praiseworthy deeds. We need to be bold in telling our children about the power of God and the wonders He has done, while modeling for them what it means to live a life of grace. The children’s ministry program at First Christian Reformed Church includes many programs that teach the youngest in God’s kingdom and walk them through their spoiritual journey as they discover God’s love.

Children's Programs


Annual Budget: $1,158,525.00

Sanctuary Capacity: 400

Parsonage: No 

Pastoral Housing Allowance: Yes


Benefits and Expenses


The church has adequate facilities with a large number of classrooms to be able to serve all the ministries of the church. However, the sanctuary is dated and does not hold enough people for the church to continue to grow.

Projected Building Project-1600x479

Church Characteristics

Church Strengths: Children’s Ministry


Strong Volunteer Leadership

Scripture Based

Global Outreach

Support of Chrisitian Education

Primary Characteristics
Primary Characteristics (2)